CrossFit – Sat, Feb 25


CrossFit – Sat, Feb 25

Westshore CrossFit – CrossFit


AMRAP 8: (No Measure)

10 alternating spiderman stretches

5 push-ups to down dog

10 PVC pass throughs

5 push-ups to down dog

10 alternating reverse lunges

5 alternating scorpion stretch/side

10 PVC around-the-worlds

WOD Prep

4 sets:

:20 bike

– Rest :10

:20 air squats

– Rest :10


MetCon (Calories)

On a 18:00 clock:

Partner 1: Max calorie bike

Partner 2:

2 rounds:

3 hang power snatches (95/135 lb)

6 push-ups

9 air squats

– Athletes switch when partner 2 completes their two rounds.

– The team with the most calories wins.
SX: (65/95 lb)(35/45 lb)

Cool Down

Stretch (Checkmark)

2 sets:

:30 frog stretch

:30 couch stretch/leg