CrossFit – Fri, Dec 8


CrossFit – Fri, Dec 8

Westshore CrossFit – CrossFit


On 8 Min Clock: (1 set each) (No Measure)

:30 row (slow)

10 reverse lunges

10 hollow rocks

10 knee push-ups

:30 row (moderate)

10 reverse lunges

10 tuck-ups

5-10 push-ups

:30 row (hard)

10 reverse lunges

5-10 strict knee raises

5-10 pike push-ups (floor)

Build Up

1 set:

6 alternating kettlebell step-ups

5 toes-to-bars

4 calorie-row

3 strict handstand push-ups


231208 (Time)

For time:

30 KB step-ups (53/70 lb) (20 in)

30 toes-to-bars

22/30-calorie row

30 strict handstand push-ups

22/30-calorie row

30 toes-to-bars

30 KB step-ups

– Hold the KB on the shoulder.


For time:

30 KB step-ups (35/53lb or lighter) (20 in)

30 hanging knee raises

22/30-calorie row

15 pike push-ups

22/30-calorie row

30 hanging knee raises

30 KB step-ups

– Hold the KB on the shoulder.

Cool Down

3 sets:

:30 left-side straddle stretch

:30 right-side straddle stretch