CrossFit – Sat, Jan 28


CrossFit – Sat, Jan 28

Westshore CrossFit – CrossFit


On 9 Min Clock : (1 Set Each) (No Measure)

P1: step-ups

P2: 1 round of…

10 ring rows

20 plank shoulder taps

10 lateral line hops

P1: box jumps

P2: 1 round of…

10 kip swings

10 sit-ups

3-5 strict pull-ups

2 sets as a team:

10 synchro sit-ups

10 box jumps

– No rest between sets.


MetCon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 18 with a partner:

60 synchro sit-ups

40 box jumps (20/24 in)

20 chest-to-bar pull-ups


AMRAP 18 with a partner:

60 synchro sit-ups

40 box jumps (20/24 in)

20 pull-ups / jumping pull-ups

Cool Down

Stretch (Checkmark)

1 set:

1:00 lacrosse ball chest mash/side

1:00 lacrosse ball tricep mash/side

1:00 lacrosse ball foot rollout /side